Ways to Give
There are many ways to support the areas at William & Mary that are most meaningful to you. Click on one of the future gift options below to learn more.
Gifts through a Will or TrustBy naming W&M or one of its related foundations as a beneficiary of your Will or Revocable Living Trust, you can make a future legacy gift to the area at W&M that is most meaningful to you.
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Retirement Plan Qualified Charitable DistributionIndividuals who are 70½ or older can make tax-free gifts from their qualifying retirement plan to W&M or one of its related foundations.
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Gifts through a Retirement PlanYou can designate W&M or one of its related foundations as a beneficiary of a retirement plan to create a legacy.
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Charitable Gift AnnuityYou can transfer cash or appreciated property to W&M in exchange for fixed, guaranteed payments for the rest of your life. The remainder of your gift will then be used to support the area at W&M most meaningful to you.
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Charitable Remainder UnitrustYou can use cash or appreciated property to fund a charitable remainder unitrust. The trust sells your property, which may help to reduce capital gains tax, and provides you with income for life or a term of years. At the end of the trust term, W&M will use the remainder of the funds in the manner you direct.
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Charitable Lead TrustYou fund a trust that makes gifts to W&M for a number of years. At the end of the trust term, your family receives the trust remainder with potentially substantial tax savings.
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Bargain SaleW&M purchases your property for less than fair market value. You receive cash and a charitable deduction for the difference between the fair market value and purchase price of the asset.
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Retained Life EstateYou can gift your property to W&M to receive an immediate tax deduction and retain the right to use the property during your lifetime.
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Retirement Plan QCD to Charitable Gift AnnuityIf you are 70½ or older with a qualifying retirement plan, you can make a one-time IRA rollover qualified charitable distribution to the William & Mary Foundation to fund a charitable gift annuity and receive fixed payments for life.